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Kings of War Wiki

Dwarfs are one of the three original noble races and one of the oldest races in Pannithor


The old conceits that the dwarfs embody the mountains they hail from, that they are as enduring as stone and that their backs are as strong as the spines of the ranges they mine; that their wisdom is timeless, and that their realms shine with the mined wealth of a thousand kingdoms of men, although true only give part of the picture. The stout, strong armed, gravelly voiced wanderers that appear across Pannithor. Famed for their great martial virtues, whimsical fondness for alcohol, and stalwart opposition to their enemies.

An intensely private race and will speak little of their private thoughts especially to non-dwarfs, their kingdoms are basically massive secret societies. This is born out in their lore of their creation by the god of the underworld.

There are many different History of Dwarf High Kings and Lords within the Dwarfs

Types of Dwarf

There are three types of different type of dwarf:

Spread between five different factions, similar to the other noble races, Humans and Elves. Like a few races they are of any alignment and fall into loose them vs us factions, including:


The most prevalent Dwarf faction, often refered to as Imperial Dwarfs

Free Dwarfs

A splinter group of Dwarfs who turned their back on the Imperial way and love to run free and berserk

Abyssal Dwarfs

The Dwarfs who embraced the Forces of the Abyss in an attempt to save their homelands

Ratkin Slaves

A splinter faction of Abyssal Dwarfs who create and mutate Ratkin and bend them to their whims

Northern Alliance

A faction made from an alliance of the northern tribes of Dwarfs, Elves, Naiads and Humans

Notable Dwarfs

Imperial Dwarfs

Free Dwarfs

Abyssal Dwarfs
Abyssal Dwarf Halfbreed

Ratkin Slaves

Northern Alliance


The origin of the underworld goddess of the dwarven creation myth is difficult to descipher if it has Celestian origin or if she is an older figure, or even if her aspect is an almagamation of one one or more Celestians. Could it be Fulgria and Ariagful, the light and dark aspects of fiery, earthen creation.

Dwarfs themselves as the rightful heirs of the underworld and all that is within it. Champion of the vitues of isolation and the things can come of one’s own will and one’s own hands. Dwarven utensils, clothing and weapons are practical above all else, ornamentation never betrays the function or form of the object.

War is their greatest craft, they are made for battle. Muscular, tough with bones that are difficult to break they are difficult to overpower.

They are of course stunties with tons of armour which spend a load of time smoking, mining, brewing and crafting.

The crafting of pipes and the cultivation of tobacco and other similar plants is a major concern in dwarfen economies and members of such clans and guilds are often placed shoulder to shoulder with great Warsmiths and renowned brewers on ruling councils and tribunals.

There are a few factions of Dwarfs across the whole of Pannithor, they are grumpy beer swilling stunties of the realm.

Dwarf Professions


Warsmiths forsake their clan ties to make a pilgramage to one of the Chambers of the Warsmith, spending the rest of their lives learning one particular skill in the great meachineon of the Warsmith's art. One chamber may be devoted to the honing of axe blades and another to the precise fitting of armour to its wearer and still others to the more cryptic interrelations of cogs or the measuring of blasting sand. Oaths to the chamber are taken, secluded from the clans they learn one particular skill till they have mastered it. From there they either continue to be a master, or move to learn from another chamber, then another etc. Such dwarfs become known as great innovators and every few centuries a new chamber is founded. Some chambers are lost due to calamity or foes taking their secrets with them. After the warsmith has done with learning new chambers, they become sort after by their previous clans or taking lavish offers to work for lords, kings or other dwarven communities.

The Order of Stone

Every generation there are a few dwarfs who are born ‘stonewise’, having an innate connection to the earthen and deep. The Order of Stone exists purely to find these 'stonewise' and train them to become Stone Priests. Stone Preists are both feared and respected by other dwarfs.

The Battle of Black Pass


The most famous of all of dwarven society, these souls are under the influences of the ‘red curse’. Be it ancestral anger at the many great tragedies of dwarven history, a broken heart, dissolution with his craft, or even the great shame of exile all can bring on the red curse.

On the battlefield the berserker work themselves up into a violent frenzy, but away from the battlefield the depression is dulled with excess feasting and drinking.

Often tight-knit support groups, the largest being King Sveri Eligax's Cwl Gen. There are those that only battle will dull the depression and are addicted to the battle frenzy, these 'vanished fellows' wander further north for the promise of eternal bloodshed.

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