High King Gollach, also known as Golloch the Conqueror, of the Golloch Empire. He is the current king of the Dwarfs
Becoming King
He became king after the death of High King Odador the Twice Crowned and after many weak and failed Kings, including King Kludis Foesweeper who lost The Twenty-Seven Boons of the Gods from the Royal horde.
Through this Golloch was biding his time and accumulating wealth and power by absorbing into his ranks the many sundered clans of the Winter War, till it was time for him to claim his assention to the throne.
Golloch's claim was legitimate via his mother Dorak the Instant, but he was crafty and did not purse his claim directly, instead he took on the debts of the impoverished clans, married off his foster daughters to favourable partners, those that could not be bought he arranged trade emargoes. Several of his rivals had accidents; landslides, cave-ins, deep pure streams becoming tainted.
Golloch renamed his great hold ‘Caeryn Golloch’, declared himself High King, and demanded all dwarfs pay their taxes to him immediately or be crushed in war. So started The Great Civil War.
Brother against Brother, greed over valour, great rifts in old sturdy allegiances, those that fell to the new High King's were subjugated. Many clans fled northwards towards the freeholds causing imperial dwarf to clash with free clansmen. When the dust settled Golloch earned the title Conqueror.
The Imperial Dwarfs are forever pushing the boundaries of their empire, north to the free holds, west to Basilea, east the free cities the deserts of Ophidia save the south where his empire ends with a vast wall carved upon the mountains the great Southern Watchline. The Free Dwarfs watch on from the north biding there time not for expansion but for reclamation of their land.
Escaping the tyranny of Golloch and a return to the old ways, the north became a dwarven haven. It is rare for Warsmiths to pilgrimage to these realms, therefore the secrets of several chambers are now exclusive to either the Imperial Dwarfs or the Free Dwarfs. This has led to differences in battle and culture. Culloch Mor is the one place Free and Imperial dwarfs can meet without fear of violence.
Currently he is claiming the territories of Basilea as his own, although he has yet to marshal any significant military forces to enforce this claim.
He is the son of King Grund, whom Mortibris raised as a dwarven revenant.
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