There are a few factions of elves across the whole of Pannithor, they are taller vainer, preening skin bleached, pointy eared goblins, with an attitude to match.
The Elven Kindred are spread all over Mantica, but are divided into different Kindreds, some work together to form larger wider Factions, others are solitary.
- Northern Kindred - Are located from Northern Coast of Elvenholme down into the Fields of Malatheer
- Eastern Kindred - Supply Chariots and Drakon Riders to the factions - Found in the Eastern Reaches, some transient presence in and around the Mouth of Leith and the Wastes of Ophida but mostly raiding parties. Some presence throughout the Wailing Spires and into the deserts either side. Constant low-level conflict with the Twilight Kin.
- Southern Kindred - Are located at the southern edge of Elvenholme, namely Vieshlar and the Hinterlands. Originally had land much further East. Refocused to the West (slowly) following the reclamation of Vieshlar, accelerated by the War with Winter and then the spreading Deserts of Ophidia - a curse which seems to be following them as the Windblown basin becomes more desert-like with each passing decade.
- Sea Kindred (was The Western Kindreds) - Supply Therennian Sea Guard to the factions, also hold the largest elven fleet, Located in Therennia Adar, Deeping Bay and the Brokenwall Isles
- Dragon Kindred - Supply Dragon Lords to the factions - Location= Mountains of Alandar
- Twilight Kindred - Location = Mouth of Leith, Bloodshrine. Increasing presence at the Southern Rift
- Sylvan Kindred - Location = The Forest of Galahir and Twilight Glades Groves of Adar, The Sacred Glades, Vieshlar, Twilight Glades and outside Elvenholme, Galahir. Plus potentially any wooded area via the Shadow Paths
- Ice Kindred - Location = The Bitter Lands
Like a few races they are of any alignment and fall into loose them vs us factions, including:
- Elves - the most prevalent Elven faction
- Twilight Kin - A tri factor alliance between Elves, Nightstalkers and the Forces of the Abyss, the emo brigade
- Sylvan Kin - a splinter faction made from some from the Forces of Nature and the Elves, sort of tree huggers united
- Northern Alliance - a faction made from an alliance of the northern tribes of Dwarves, Elves, Naiads and Humans
- Undead - well specifically the Archers and Mhorgoth the Faceless
Some notable Elfs include:
- Aethmar
- Alynna Rootcaller
- Argus Rodinar
- Ariandaris
- Bannien Searite
- Calisor Fenulian
- Callinah
- Celebor Swiftsword
- Dalofir Searite
- Dingle
- Drysala
- El'Rik Nisleen
- Elissa
- Elthenar Bladedancer
- Entheiwaan
- Fenariel Duneborne
- Frebar
- Greybar
- Halofir Moonsight
- Hikow
- Iansalor
- Imariel
- Kew
- Laraentha Silverbranch
- Larongar
- Leiz the Soulless
- Lemar
- Lilith Silvershard
- Loswithen Searite
- Lyrenthia Brightstar
- Malatheen
- Malatheer
- Mikayel Faewyll
- Moon
- Morrenwen Laethelwyss
- Nimue Waydancer
- Nualador Swiftsword
- Nyarin
- Oliyana
- Phoebus Darkheart
- Quequa
- Rafe
- Reiliur Ythril
- Sarya Amathene
- Sindfar Greenspar
- Sinqua
- Tabinriorn
- Talannar Icekin
- Tareal
- Thelandria
- Therinsor Leafblade
- Thesilar Searite
- Thominus Moonweaver
- Thorn
- Tydarion Dragonlord
- Tyris Valellion
- Ulle
- Valellion
- Velorun
- Wystirith Valellion
- Yarinathar
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