Akshun’arha, known as the Mother of Vampires, is the Wicked One possibly responsible for the awakening of the Ahmunites undead.
In -170, Akshun’arha was created when the mirror smashed, it is unknown which Celestian they split from or who is their shining half.
The God War
While fleeing the wrath of Domivar during the God War, the Wicked One Akshun’arha made a pact with magi of Ophidia. For the price of a sacrifice of 13 nobles, and binding Akshun’arha essence into the husks, Akshun’arha gave them the knowledge of necromancy. Hidden Akshun’arha soul was divided into 13, lying dormant till long after the God War.
After the God War
What she could not outfight (the Shining Ones), she could outlast, spending centuries in slumber beneath the pyramids of Ophidia.Discovering Akshun’arha plan, the pious men and vengeful elves delved deep below the pyramid, delivering final death to 10 of the hosts.With each scream of rage and terror from a departing facet of Akshun’arha’s essence the remaining hosts stirred and grew angry, emerging from their sarcophagi.
Disturbed from their rest too early and released without the proper incantations, the three remaining facets of Akshun’arha’s psyche were driven mad, and fell upon the invaders hungrily, glutting themselves on blood in order to restore their shrivelled, desiccated bodies.
The three hosts went their separate ways, fleeing to the farthest reaches of the world, even as the ice retreated, where they created others of their kind through the unnatural curse of the Blood Gift. What became of the first vampires is unknown – but their foul offspring have remained a blight upon Pannithor ever since.
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