Domivar, also known as Domivar the Unyielding, is the hybrid offspring of Mescator, God of Justice. He is famously known as creating the Abyss with the axe of Oskan
A young Celestian and the son of Mescator, God of Justice. Domivar appeared before Bolisean, ruler of the twin cities of Primovantor and the Golden Horn, when that human nation was about to fall for good, and created an army of Elohi to save the cities, which in turn lead to the creation of Basilea out of the ruins of Primovantor as unified mankind. Domivar also slew Oskan in the God War and created the Abyss to imprison 27 of the 37 Wicked Ones loyal to him at the cost of his own life.
Domivar vs Oskan Father of Lies
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