Lycans, also known as Werewolves, are those of The Lost that Kyron rescued after Garkan’s experiments in merging man and wolf.
The Werewolves were lost to darkness, becoming perverse and twisted things shut off from the Mother.
The dread curse of lycanthropy turns its victims into huge wolf-man hybrids – their flesh nigh-invulnerable to most weapons, their fangs and claws razor-sharp. These children of the night move faster than the eye can see and fight with a ferocity and strength that far surpass their mortal victims.
Lycans are at one with nature and share a deep connection with the world.
Lykanis are an advanced form of Lycan, normally they are the Alpha of a Lycan pack.
Lycan Model
Lycan Alpha
Lycan Art
Lycan Art 2
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