Enric, also known as the Butcher of Stryania, was a murderous vampire created sired during the Age of Conflict.
In an orgy of bloodletting, shortly after his rebirth, he murdered his entire province of Stryania. Soon he was summoned by the vile necromancer Mortabris to become his personal guard.
Enric accompanied Mortibris during the necromancer’s quest to open the gates to the Abyss. Along with the wraith known as Razvan the Slave and the Abyssal Champion, Gerisoth, Herald of Woe, Enric ventured into Dolgarth in search of the Soulshard.
- Enric, Butcher of Stryania was an Kickstarter exclusive for Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King's Quest
Enric, Butcher of Stryania Model
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