Overking Zerkziz, also known as Zerkziz of Zarak, is the self-procliamed overking of the Abyssal Dwarfs
Abyssal Dwarf society operates on the basis of individual greed and lust for wealth, explaining its fluid and everchanging nature, as various individuals rise to prominence, dominating their fellows and expanding their own tiny spaces into minor empires within Tragar before they topple once more.
Though the twin cities thrive, their rulership is in a state of constant flux, with various powerful individuals making and breaking alliances as they all vie for ‘rightful’ rulership of their people.
Ostensibly, the commanders of Tragar’s temple-bastions owe fealty to the Overking, but in reality even this lauded individual has a precarious grip over his people. The current Overking is Zerkziz, who daily navigates the many avenues of politicking, diplomacy and displays of strength and cruelty in order to keep the lords of his land on side. Zerkziz has grown fat within his palace, and must be carried everywhere upon a palanquin hoisted by slaves. Though his martial prowess has long failed him, the Overking’s mind has lost none of its cunning and steel.
Zerkziz dispatches his armies to war regularly, knowing that he must never let his strength be questioned, and secretly hoping that any pretenders to his throne might be slain in battle.
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