It was in the God War, that the Celestian Fotia was split in two. The Shining One, who retained the name Fotia, and the Wicked One called Prykagia.
They battled many times, but the final confrontation was during the Time of Ice.
Prykagia found and managed to wield an artefact of magical ice, an anathema to both aspects.
Prykagia identifed that Fotia cared greatly for her high priestess Irdima.
While duelling on the Ardovakia plains Prykagia using this bit of information and the artefact to her advantage, she launched a feint, moving to strike a killing blow on Irdima, Fotia threw herself in harms way to protect her beloved, and was cleaved in half, as Prykagia had intended.
Her victory complete, Prykagia quit the field in a flash of light – retreating elsewhere to celebrate. Fotia’s followers fled, fearing the worst.
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