The Successor Kingdoms are descended from Primovantor, but the similarity to Basilea ends there, for they have been much influenced by admixtures of culture and thought from other lands and have followed their own path. There are as many as a hundred of these small statelets, ranging
from independent cities to large dukedoms and the genuine kingdom of Valentica. These small lands are in a constant state of rivalry. War between them is not uncommon.
Over the mountains to the north, realms expand and new countries are born from the virgin lands of the Young Kingdoms, where humans of the Successor Kingdoms have exerted their dominance. While a few elf or dwarf settlements still exist, they are few and far between.
Other Known Geography:
If you wish to expand your knowledge of Successor Kingdoms and its surrounding areas, a list of various locations are provided below for further reading:
Regions, Realms and Provinces
Ariminus - Lantor - Nyssia - Solistor - Vale of Imlar -
Settlements, Mines, Keeps and Holds
Solistor -
Roads & Passages
Landmarks & Notable Locations
Watches and Marches
Seas Waterways
Other Terrain
Kings of War, Vanguard, Armada, Pannithor and all associated names, places and things are TM and copyright Mantic Games. Artwork and logos used with permission.
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