Gristle is the leader of a small Goblin force that had offered King Groany to get him a Ej Grenadier suit
Gristle wore a stolen elven helm into battle
WIng and a Prayer
main article: WIng and a Prayer
Gristle offered King Groany to get him a Ej Grenadier suit, however she did it without thinking first and regretted it instantly. After watching Halfling settlements for many nights, she finally found group of halflings setting up a weapons cache that included the flying suits that King Groany wanted.
With a full regiment of Sharpsticks, a load of Spitters and two Mincers she attacked the warband defending the cache. Her force killed Jasper however it is unknown the result of this battle or if Gristle survived.
External Links
- Part 2 -
- Part 3 -
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