Dark Kyron, also known as the Dark Smith, is the wicked one who split off from Kyron.
When the Fenulian Mirror was shattered, Kyron split in two like the other Celestians.
His Wicked One and Shining One sides both retained the name Kyron, both seeking to continue to watch over the creatures of nature.The wicked half was known to be cunning and cruel, while the shining half was known for his kindness and bravery.
Dark Kyron with Garkan the Black forged the Orcs.The Good, Brave Kyron gathered the lost souls discarded by Dark Kyron and Garkan and gave light to them, purifying the evil within them and is seen as the Father of The Herd and Trident Realm.
It is said the two halves, instead of engaging in physical combat, argued incessantly with one another about the proper way to guide the natural world. Brave Kyron constantly gives chase to Dark Kyron, as can be seen with the night sky giving way to the day, with Brave Kyron giving us the light.
Their rivalry eventually led to the two eternally chasing one another through the skies of Mantica, forever locked in a back and forth combat known as the Great Hunt.
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