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Kings of War Wiki

Berosos, High Priest of Basilea was a hero for Basilean during 1st edition.


Berosos is the highest-ranking cleric of Basilea, a scholar, a sage, a historian and (most importantly) a holy man wielding incredible power. It is said that no ruler of Basilea can afford to ignore Berosos’ counsel and no general can afford to make war without his blessing. Such assertions are proved true by the fact that, should Berosos denounce a course of action - whether military or political - as unwise, it invariably fails. Thus, the lords of men go to great lengths to seek the High Priest’s blessing in their endeavours, making him one of the most influential individuals in Basilea.

When the armies of Basilea march to war, they are often accompanied by hosts of Elohi, their songs of purity and war bolstering the hearts of the faithful. The High Priest is one of the few mortals able to speak the tongue of the Elohi and this he does as the hosts make war, his voice carrying for many leagues as if calling the Winged Ones to attend to the fates of men. Wherever Berosos treads, the skies directly overhead are invariably thick with wheeling Elohi; a sight that bolsters the hearts of the faithful while filling those of the fallen with terror.

In battle, Berosos may go unattended and on foot, providing an example to the soldiers of Basilea that none can ignore. Conversely, he may go to war atop a mighty contrivance of gold and brass borne atop the stout shoulders of his numerous attendants. The so-called Throne of Ages serves as a mobile throne and high altar from which Berosos preaches the glory of the Shining Ones, abjures the Bitter Ones and calls down the power of the heavens themselves upon the heads of the foes of Basilea. His words are unintelligible to the common man, being the tongue of the Elohi themselves, but the faithful understand fully their message.

The High Priest’s sermons often attract hosts of followers, though Berosos himself never actively encourages it. Rather, when he descends sets foot beyond the walls of Basilea the is followed by hordes of flagellants. All may feel the call to attend the High Priest, from the lowliest peasant to the most highborn noble. Upon answering the call, the High Priest’s followers cast off their status and declare themselves in his service, at least until such time as his holy mission is discharged. Thus, when the hosts of Basilea go to war with Berosos at their head, he is often surrounded by a horde of men and women who echo his every word and in so doing drown out the war cries of the enemy. These followers are all but fearless while in the presence of the object of their adoration and whip themselves into a frenzy of holy zeal as the enemy draws near. It is only the force of the High Priest’s indomitable will that holds the horde at bay, and when the foes come close he finally releases them. Like hounds set loose, the horde surges forward as one, froth and holy invective upon their lips, to fall upon the enemy in a storm of righteous berserker fury. Few enemies can hope to stand against such a tide of faith and steel, those not torn limb from limb forced to flee or die.

When he is not attending the warhosts of Basilea, Berosos resides atop one of the highest towers of that city. Exactly what deeds he undertakes there remain a mystery to most – for aside from a small cadre of household servants and familiars none are admitted there. The Elohi can be seen coming and going from the balconies of the tower and when the moon is full, Berosos can at times be seen studying the stars through the lenses of his numerous spyglasses

Aside from war, the only time Berosos descends from his tower is to attend one of the rulers or generals of Basilea. None may summon the High Priest and he comes and goes as he wishes. No guard would dare deny him admittance and no courtier would even consider baring his way to the side of the throne of their liege. Often, such visits are accompanied by a dire warning and the ‘suggestion’ of a means of averting some terrible threat to the realm. Other times, the High Priest has some request to make or some small service to ask for. While such questions may appear trifling to the courts, the nobles know that, if denied, far more serious twists of fate are likely to ensue. A rival poisoned here or a ship sunk there might appear insignificant to the uninitiated, but those familiar with the High Priest’s methods understand that every avalanche begins with the falling of a loose pebble: and if that pebble can be stayed, disaster can be averted

Whether he reads it in the stars or the ancient texts he has amassed over countless years, or whether the Elohi themselves speak directly to him, Berosos the High Priest is possessed of knowledge few mortals can rival, and to deny his wisdom is folly indeed.

Kings of War Appearances

Beroso was introduced in Kings of War 1.1 - Kings and Legends for Kingdom of Men and Basileans factions. They had their rules expanded on in Kings of War 1.2 – Basilean Legacy, specifically for Basileans.

Berosos has not yet appeared in any future editions and was considered retired at the beginning of 2nd Edition.

1st Edition

Berosos 1st Edition Rules
Berosos 1st Edition Rules
Berosos Basileans 1st Edition Rules
Berosos Basileans 1st Edition Rules

Berosos is the High Priest of Basilea and his famous feats and heroics, together with his game rules, are decribed in full in the Kings and Legends supplement. As well as being included in a Kingdoms of Men army list, Berosos can always be included in any Basilean army, even in games that do not allow Allies – he is a Basilean after all!


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