Alvaro Raposa, also known as the legendary figure known as the Captain, is the most seasoned of mercenary leaders.
Alvaro Raposa hails from a mountain village near Dol Gragos, His family scraped a living from a small vineyard business, at an early age he was orphaned when bandits killed his parents and destroyed his home.
The young boy made his way to Dol Gragos itself where he eventually joined the city guard and then the official state military, specialising as a member of the patrols in the mountain passes, hunting down the brigands that haunted the land and preyed on the weak.
Having built up his reputation as a cunning and ruthless operator, he left active service to form his own warband, offering his expertise and skills to the highest bidder.
Decades later, the Captain is much in demand, his grasp of tactics and his ability to read a battle and anticipate enemy movements is unparalleled. His services are expensive, but worth every coin.
The Captain Art
The Captain 3rd edition rules
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