Jullius, also known as Jullius Dragon of Heaven, who was a Elohi created from one half of Fotia’s corpse.
Fotia’s followers fled seeing her cleaved in two.
Irdima was left alone on the battlefield, cradling the two parts of Fotia’s corpse (cleaved in two by Prykagia) and weeping.Her tears and weeping prayers were heard and the two halfs of Fotia did not die!
One half, representing the cauterising, vengeful, and warlike nature of fire, became the er-elohi Jullius, the Dragon of Heaven. The other half, representing the nurturing, renewing, and cleansing nature of fire, returned as the ur-elohi Samacris, Mother of Phoenixes.
Fotia was reborn as the Phoenix and the Dragon. Separate they are weaker, united they are powerful, their story has become a parable of passion and the indestructibility of love.
Jullius Model
Jullius Scene
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