
From Kings of War Wiki

The Clansmen form the grunts for your warband they are decent all-rounders.

File:VAN-Northern-Alliance-Dwarf-Reinforcements-isolated WEB-768x768.png

As an exile himself, Talannar tends to attract those who have also been shunned by their own societies. As a result, the Northern Alliance also includes Elf, Dwarf and Human Clansmen. These form the grunts for your warband. As you might expect, the Elf excels in ranged combat, the Dwarfs are good when it comes to close combat and the humans are decent all-rounders.

The humans of the Northern Alliance come mostly from the Northern Clans who have sworn allegiance to Talanaar, but can come from many disparate lands. Of these, some are remnants of eastern tribes devastated by Varangur raids. Others are refugees of wars to the south, or exiled from the numerous Kingdoms of Men. Whatever their heritage, each has found a home as part of the Alliance, and will fight to their last breath to protect it.

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