History of the High Consul

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Revision as of 04:14, 6 December 2024 by Dave (talk | contribs)
The High Consul is the figure head of the The Grand Republic of Primovantor along with their elected senate a beacon of hope against the relentless chill of Winter’s Age of Ice, the last era of the God War.

Originally Primovantor was ruled by a royal bloodline until eventually it was broken and moved to an elected High Consul.

Royal Line of Primovantor

High Consul's began in -980 after a change in Primovantor society after the death of King Lyzander and Prince Juliarius.The High consul is appointed by the house of consul's of Primovantor regions as its overall representative.

History of the High Consul's in Order

High Consul from -980 until sometime before -948

High Consul from sometime before -948 until sometime before -880

High Consul from sometime before -880 until -879

High Consul from -879 until before -876

High Consul from before -876 until -876

High Consul from -876 until ???

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