Mescator (Celestian)
Mescator, was the original celestian form of the Shining aspect Mescator, God of Justice and father of Domivar. He was considered the leader of the Celestians
Mescator was tall, built and had a powerful appearance along with having slight elven like features. Extremely handsome even by normal standards. Had pale blue eyes and had blonde hair tied up, adored in golden armor.
Arrival to Pannithor
In -1095, Mescator was the first Celestian to arrive in Pannithor after the portal was opened by Reiliur Ythrill and the Circle of Heaven then helped open additonal 19 portals.
When the first portal began to become unstable, Mescator told Valandor to help or the Celestian currently travelling through the portal will be lost in the Void. Reiliur contacted Eoswain who advised that Valandor would need to perform the Nekanthika rite and they were past the point of no return. Valandor agreed to do the Nekanthika rite however noted it will bring misfortune to those who call upon it and he needed assitance to do it as his power along was not enough.
Reiliur and Cailsor offered themselves instead of another Celestian as Mescator mentioned how few in number they were so Valandor performed the Nekanthika rite with Reiliur and Cailsor. The rite reversed time outside of the tower to align the stars back up to when Mescator first came through the portal, known in modern day as 'the lost hours', and it was successful and Oskan managed to finally arrive through the portal.
Mescator was born a Celestian sometime before or after the Rise of the Celestians. Celestian origins are unclear
Arrival to Pannithor
In -1095, Mescator was the first Celestian to arrive in Pannithor after the portal was opened by Reiliur Ythrill and the Circle of Heaven then helped open additonal 19 portals.
When the first portal began to become unstable, Mescator told Valandor to help or the Celestian currently travelling through the portal will be lost in the Void. Reiliur contacted Eoswain who advised that Valandor would need to perform the Nekanthika rite and they were past the point of no return. Valandor agreed to do the Nekanthika rite however noted it will bring misfortune to those who call upon it and he needed assitance to do it as his power along was not enough.
Reiliur and Cailsor offered themselves instead of another Celestian as Mescator mentioned how few in number they were so Valandor performed the Nekanthika rite with Reiliur and Cailsor. The rite reversed time outside of the tower to align the stars back up to when Mescator first came through the portal, known in modern day as 'the lost hours', and it was successful and Oskan managed to finally arrive through the portal.
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