Orclings are tiny green creatures that follow the hordes into battle. They resemble small, pot-bellied orcs and it is unknown whether they are the orcs’ infants or simply another strange sub-species of greenskin.
In battle, they swarm around the feet of friends and foes, often of very little consequence, but a source of very great irritation for everyone.
Kings of War Appearances
- 1st Edition - Kings of War – 1st Edition Rulebook
- 2nd Edition - Kings of War – 2nd Edition Rulebook
- 3rd Edition - Kings of War – 3rd Edition Rulebook
introduced in Kings of War – 1st Edition Rulebook for the Orcs faction, it has been included in every edition of the game since. In Kings of War 3.3 - Clash of Kings 2022, Orclings were an option for the Riftforged Orcs.
First Edition Biography
The diminutive, imp-like Orclings scurry about the battlefield, fetching and carrying for the army, and mischievously harassing the enemy
Second Edition Biography
Malevolent imps of very little consequence, but source of very great irritation for everyone.
Third Edition Biography
Orcling Model
Orclings Scene
Orcling Troops
Orclings Art
Orclings 1st Edition Rules
Orclings 2nd Edition Stats
Orclings 3rd Edition Rules
Orcling Vanguard Stats
Kings of War, Vanguard, Armada, Pannithor and all associated names, places and things are TM and copyright Mantic Games. Artwork and logos used with permission.
This wiki is not an official Mantic Games publication. |