Bharzak the Grim after failed attempts at mutation and torturing Dwarfs, turned his eye to the Rats, after 13 years of experimentation and hybridisation the Ratkin were created.
Bharzak the Grim, overmaster of the Gift-Piers of Zarak, wanted more. More work, more blood, more pain, more productivity, more sacrifice. More slaves. A seemingly endless supply simply wasn’t enough.
The never-ending nightmare of misery, brutality and pain the slaves screams echo through the endless night of the caverns. Slaves came in all shapes and forms, Dwarfs, Orcs, Goblins, Men, Elves, etc seized from far off lands by roaming slave gangs and raiders, prisoners from battles, or born into slavery. Some are bred for it.
Working slaves to death with no rest to appease the Wicked Ones, a decree was issued to double the number. After butchering over a hundred dwarfs slaves, captured on raids on an Imperial dwarf hold, Bharzak discarded the remains into the corner for the rats to feed on.
Experimentation began, locking himself away chittering screeches and agonised wails could be heard.Consumed with his experimentation the hold forgot about Bharzak and a new overmaster took his place.The heavy doors of his lab were flung open some thirteen years later. Striding out came Bharzak followed by a vast pack of mutated rats.
A new race of slaves were created, the Gnorr. They could do more: work harder, work longer and breed faster. Using the biggest brutes Bharzak reasserted his authority and rose back to a position of power greater than before. The Ratkin become a commonplace sight in the slave dens, their endless supply saw them sacrificed, tortured, maimed, worked, and discarded in unfathomable numbers.
Bred for oppression the Ratkin were cruelly exploited. The Ratkin then revolted, The Great Revolt, and tore into him, those that managed to escape became the Ratkin, those that were caught remained the Ratkin Slaves. Bharzak and there are many secrets he keeps to himself. Following his near-death at the hands of one of his brutes, he rebuilt his disfigured body with parts from both Ratkin and Grotesque, and he is now such a monstrosity to behold, even the most hardened and debauched Abyssal Dwarfs have to avert their gaze.
The breeding program continues and is still headed by Bharzak.
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