Primovantor, formally known as The Grand Republic of Primovantor, was once a vast kingdom which included even Basilea however after Winter's War it was reduced to the kingdom of its current size. Whereas once Primovantor was a mountain kingdom looking over fertile plains, it is now a peninsula and landmass containing the vast Bay of Geneza.
Primovantor is governed by a High Consul
Most of Primovantor that was not ruined in the war was drowned under the Infant Sea. The holy city of Primantor itself survived, although it is greatly shrunk in size. The city is now mostly ruinous, trees fill its wide boulevards, and the inhabited parts are little more than villages, divided by a wilderness of crumbling masonry.
At times, Basilea has controlled nearly all of the Peninsula of Primovantia and land to its west; at others, hardly any at all. Money is the weapon of choice here; bribes and gifts bring the bickering, faltering cities into the armpit of the Hegemon, or pay for armies of mercenaries should these ploys fail.
In truth, the remains of Primovantor have little to offer in terms of economy or resources. Its cities and regions are poor and, among the ruins of high mountain keeps and villages, bandits prey on the weak and lost, while the phantoms of the past haunt the dusty, wind-worn peaks.
Primovantor was involved in the arrival of the celestians
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